The Studio S Charter
By attending Studio S all customers agree to accept the terms and conditions of this Charter.
The Charter will be regularly reviewed and updated.
What our customers can expect from us:​
We will provide dance and fitness classes that are designed to be beneficial and enjoyable for everyone who attends.
We will not tolerate bad behaviour, bullying or intimidation in any form, from adults or children, directed towards our staff or customers.
Studio S staff will be appropriately, trained, qualified and security cleared.
We will provide an environment that is hygienic and safe for our customers of all ages.
We will ensure compliance with all relevant legislation, including safeguarding, health and safety, and food hygiene.
We carry appropriate levels of insurance including public liability.
In the event of an emergency, trained staff will administer first aid and notify the emergency services if necessary, making contact with family members in accordance with the information provided to us within the Registration Form.
We will provide regular updates about our activities and any changes that may be required via our website and Facebook page.
All of our customers are welcome to enjoy our lovely grounds, but we ask that they remain mindful that Alsager Mere contains very deep water. No child should enter the area beyond the black gates unless they are accompanied by a parent / guardian.
We will accept no liability for any loss, damage or injury which may take place in our grounds, including the Mere.
What we expect from our customers:
Anyone of any age participating in any Studio S activity must demonstrate respect and consideration for other class members and Studio S staff at all times.
All participants must have a level of physical fitness commensurate with dance and / or fitness activity, we should be notified in detail of any health or fitness issues that may influence ability to take part in our classes.
Due to planning regulations, our small private car park is not available or insured for customer car parking. This means that our company insurance does not cover any loss or damages which take place, including to customer vehicles, on our car park.
All customers must complete a Studio S Registration document, and whilst this will need to be updated annually, in addition, it is the responsibility of the customer to advise us of any changes to the information provided on the document at the earliest opportunity at any time throughout the year.
We ask our customers to respect our Safeguarding Policy which indicates that parents / guardians are not permitted to enter the changing rooms or dance studio when classes are taking place, however, we do provide space and refreshments in our Café for parents wishing to remain on the premises whilst their child(ren) are taking part in classes.
Children who successfully audition for and subsequently wish to join 'Dance Squad' groups, are required to attend a minimum of two classes per week on addition to the dedicated Squad sessions. Ongoing membership of 'Squad' groups is dependent upon this level of regular attendance.